For Artists
Whether or not you are an emerging or established artist, we have the resources to help.
Connect with other artists and the community
Impact the community through your art
Upcoming Call For Art
Show others what you have to say
120 Intercollegiate Regional
A juried fine art exhibition for students attending an accredited college or university located within 120 miles of Glens Falls, NY
Application Deadline: Tuesday, February 11th by 4pm
Entries may be 2D or 3D and all forms of multimedia, video, painting, photography, sculpture, etc. are welcome! All video artwork that is accepted must have proper equipment supplied by the artist.
There is a limit of (6) pieces per artist - entry fee is $5 per piece.
Students interested in applying must send an email to show@larac.org with the following information:
Subject of email: LARAC’s 2025 – 120 Regional
Body email must include:
1) Name, College, Professor, Current Year, Anticipated Graduate Year
2) Art piece(s) information:
Price (NFS if not for Sale)
3) Attached images
Email up to (6) images: Images must be HIGH Quality JPEG format.
All entries must be labeled accordingly with Entry Number.
Example: (01_title_ firstnameinitial.lastname), example, (01_Sunny Day_ p.casabona)
Drop Off Dates: February 19th - Saturday 22nd from 10am – 3pm / Thurs. 10am – 6pm *Artists will be notified of acceptance by Thursday Feb 13th
Pick Up Of Accepted Work: Wednesday, April 2nd – Saturday April 5th from 10am – 3pm / Thurs. 10am – 6pm
Juror: Diane Swanson
Exhibition Opening: Friday, February 28th at 5pm
LARAC Artist Retreat at Wiawaka Returns in Spring 2025!
May 30 - June 1
Visual artists, performing artists, composers, writers and anyone working in the arts are invited to come and stay for the weekend to refresh and restore their artistic practice, either actively creating work or in quiet introspection, inspired by Wiawaka’s beautiful setting on Lake George.
Cost: $355 person. Includes two nights stay, two breakfasts, two dinners, one lunch and access to the entire property.
Check in on Friday, May 30 begins at noon
Check out on Sunday, June 1 at noon
Reservations must be made through Wiawaka and payment is due in full at time of reservation. Call (518) 668-9690 or email wiawakareservations@gmail.com to reserve your room. Registration cut-off date will be May 19.
There will be opportunities to socialize as a full group at mealtimes, and in the evenings with a meet & greet reception on the first night of stay, and a show and share on the second evening. Participation in social events is completely optional.
LARAC has developed an active workshop schedule that has something for everyone. Check out the workshop schedule often as new and inspiring workshops are being added frequently.
In addition to a robust workshop schedule for artists and art lovers of all abilities, LARAC offers a variety of programs throughout the year for artists in various stages of their practice and careers, such as professional and peer art critiques, business of art presentations, artist talks, sessions on how to apply to online shows, and much more.
To register for upcoming workshops, click on the workshop of your choice and complete the registration form, call 518-798-1144, x-2, or stop into our Lapham Gallery and register in person.
The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) is a state funding agency that provides support for activities of nonprofit arts and cultural organizations in New York State.
The New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) is the Soapbox and Tool Box for New York State´s Nonprofits. NYCON works to build the capacity of our over 3,200 nonprofit members to enhance the quality of life in communities throughout New York State.
The mission of the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is to empower artists across all disciplines at critical stages in their creative lives. We do this through three main program areas: cash grants and fiscal sponsorship, online resources, and professional development training.
The Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts of New York (VLANY) is the pioneer in arts-related legal aid and educational programs about the legal and business issues that affect artist and arts organizations.
Creative Impact: Capital Region Artist Support Group is a virtual community dedicated to taking creative action and supporting local artists. You can share or respond to opportunities, such as calls for art or artists for hires, as well as other resources you feel would be helpful.